Android开发笔记(七)- Data Storage & Content Provider组件
To make our Android application easy to extend, modify, refactor, test or even just read it, the architecture of the application is very important. For sure we can’t have a single class MainApplication or MainActivity and put everything inside, it will be a nightmare to just read the code and understand. There are three main architectures to use in Android to build our application and gives us power to do all operations we mentioned above: Model-View-Controller(MVC)
, Model-View-PResenter(MVP)
and Model-View-VIewModel(MVVM)
. Let’s talk about them one by one.
In Android development, I’m always confused about the properties in build.gradle
like compileSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, minSdkVersion etc. To end up this confusion and make it clear, after I read offical Google docuement and some posts, here is a short conclusion to explain each of them and compare the diff.
Java Reflection is a process of examining the runtime behavior of a class. This feature is also known as dynamic programming since all attributes, interfaces, constructors, fields and methods of a class can be inspecting and verifying during runtime. Futhurmore, we can instantiate new objects, invoke methods, and get or set field values using reflection as well. So let’s see what is reflection and how to use it in this post.
在编译代码,生成Android APK文件时,为了缩减生成安装包apk文件的大小,Google官方在Android Gradle插件中提供了几种不同的优化方式:Proguard,D8,R8。它们主要用于对生成的apk文件进行代码缩减(Code shrinking),资源缩减(Resource shrinking),混淆处理(Obfuscation)和优化(Optimization)。这篇文章会首先介绍一下这些编译器的产生顺序以及原因,然后再介绍一下
Lambda Expression is a very useful tool and it makes the code concise and elegant. It’s not a very hard concept to understand but still need some kind of conclusion or summary. So in this post I will have a brief introduction on what is lambda expression with several examples how to use it. My example are using Kotlin lanuage, but it has the same pattern or other languages like Java and C++.
Reactive programming这个概念我在最近的安卓开发中极其频繁的接触到,但是对于从没有接触过的我来说,很多概念还是有点抽象和难以理解。所以这篇博客就来梳理一下在进行了一些了解和学习后,关于所谓“响应式编程”的我自己的理解。这里的例子主要都是应用于RxJava中,但实际上在稍微接触了RxSwift以及RxCocoa之后,我认为它们的基本概念都是相同的,所以了解RxJava之后,RxSwift和RxCocoa就完全不在话下。