Reactive programming这个概念我在最近的安卓开发中极其频繁的接触到,但是对于从没有接触过的我来说,很多概念还是有点抽象和难以理解。所以这篇博客就来梳理一下在进行了一些了解和学习后,关于所谓“响应式编程”的我自己的理解。这里的例子主要都是应用于RxJava中,但实际上在稍微接触了RxSwift以及RxCocoa之后,我认为它们的基本概念都是相同的,所以了解RxJava之后,RxSwift和RxCocoa就完全不在话下。
Reactive programming这个概念我在最近的安卓开发中极其频繁的接触到,但是对于从没有接触过的我来说,很多概念还是有点抽象和难以理解。所以这篇博客就来梳理一下在进行了一些了解和学习后,关于所谓“响应式编程”的我自己的理解。这里的例子主要都是应用于RxJava中,但实际上在稍微接触了RxSwift以及RxCocoa之后,我认为它们的基本概念都是相同的,所以了解RxJava之后,RxSwift和RxCocoa就完全不在话下。
After we known all principles in class level and component level, finally we reached Architecutre level. In this post, we will summarize all architecture level knowedge concepts quickly and finish this book for now, this book has much more useful stuffs that we are not covered, so we will come back and revisit someday after we have more understanding about software architecture.
In last post we talked about programming paradigms and SOLID principles. This is far more than enough to understand about architecture, so today let’s continue on “Design Principles” and see more of them that need to follow when thinking like an architect.
在Android开发的大部分场景里,我们需要构建各种各样的UI界面用于与用户进行交互。很多UI设计看起来很简单也很清晰,但一旦开始上手设计,就会发现:设计师轻松画出的各个UI组件,它们的排列,间隔,对齐,大小,其实没有那么容易摆放正确。再加上对于安卓系统的手机,屏幕大小尺寸更是多种多样。这是我们就需要用到页面布局(UI Layout)这个工具。那么今天就来看看Android中关于页面布局的一些概念和知识。
之前的Android开发笔记之基础篇(一)中主要讲到了一些关于Android Components的基本概念以及它们的异同。今天就来讲解一下关于Activity中涉及UI部分的三个核心组件:Activity,Fragment和Dialog。它们基本承担起了APP中所有的图形界面和交互逻辑,也是面向用户最直观的展现。
Clean Architecture is one of the series book that written by “Uncle Bob”. In last post, I writed a summary of the Clean Code. It is super useful for begineers. But as we going deeper, we need take a step back and see the “big picture” – software architecture, which is all this book talk about.
Recently I read this book
Dependency Injection is a huge topic in Android development and it’s very important because it can give us a clean, well-designed, easy-to-change environment no matter we develop new features or implement any testing. So here is some thoughts about DI and an useful framework which helps you do all dirty jobs behind the scene.