ClearArchitecture - Architecture

ClearArchitecture - Architecture

After we known all principles in class level and component level, finally we reached Architecutre level. In this post, we will summarize all architecture level knowedge concepts quickly and finish this book for now, this book has much more useful stuffs that we are not covered, so we will come back and revisit someday after we have more understanding about software architecture.

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clearArchitecture - Desgin Principles & Component Principles
Clear Architecture - Programming Paradigms & Design Principles

Clear Architecture - Programming Paradigms & Design Principles

Clean Architecture is one of the series book that written by “Uncle Bob”. In last post, I writed a summary of the Clean Code. It is super useful for begineers. But as we going deeper, we need take a step back and see the “big picture” – software architecture, which is all this book talk about.

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